How to really manage your blood sugar.

Nutrition is just one piece to help balance insulin levels and achieve glucose targets. Lifestyle factors and self-management skills are also necessary for you to manage blood sugar levels successfully.

Living with diabetes when it comes to balancing blood sugar needs to go beyond a simple meal plan. Here are some straightforward strategies you can include with your nutrition plan to optimize your blood sugar levels.

1. Incorporate Daily Physical Activity

Physical activity improves glucose control, helps with weight management, reduces stress, and lowers blood pressure. On the other hand, sitting for long periods of time is associated with an increased risk of death and major cardiovascular events.

Guidelines recommend breaking up sitting periods while aiming to get at least 150 minutes per week of aerobic exercise and at least two sessions per week of resistance exercise.

Integrate more physical activity into your life by:

  • Assessing any barriers you might face when it comes to physical activity and developing strategies to overcome them.

  • Setting specific activity goals.

  • Find activities you actually enjoy.

  • Think like an athlete. Prioritise your exercise sessions. It’s not just vanity

  • Incorporate small bursts of activity - take the stairs instead of the lift, go for a walk after meals, get a standing desk, walk around while you’re on the phone. Try some 10 or 15 minute classes online.

2. Seek Mental Health Support

Changes in blood sugar levels can alter mood and cause symptoms of fatigue, trouble thinking clearly, and anxiety. People living with diabetes are also at increased risk for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and a condition called diabetes distress which shares some traits of stress, depression, and anxiety.

All individuals with diabetes should be regularly screened for the presence of diabetes distress, as well as symptoms of common psychiatric disorders.

Spend time tuning into your emotions, and talk to your friends, family, and members of your healthcare or support team about how you are feeling. Seek out people who can teach you effective coping skills and investigate support services that can make a difference for your mental health.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Too little or too much sleep and poor sleep quality can impact insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, and appetite regulation.

Prioritise getting seven to eight hours of undisturbed sleep per night by using strategies such as:

  • Avoiding blue light three hours before bed.

  • Introducing magnesium and melatonin supplements.

  • Using herbal teas and guided meditations.

4. Ensure Proper Hydration

People living with diabetes have an increased risk of dehydration as high blood glucose levels lead to decreased hydration in the body.

The amount of fluid you need depends on a variety of factors including age, gender, stress, physical activity, and climate. Make hydration fun with herbal teas, fruit-infused waters, and fruit-free green juices.

5. Maintain Oral Health

Diabetes increases the risk of gum disease, and periodontal diseases may also initiate insulin resistance and worsen glycemic control. People with diabetes who smoke are at an even higher risk to develop thrush and periodontal disease. Smoking also seems to impair blood flow to the gums, which might affect wound healing in this tissue area.

Ask your dentist what you can do to ensure good oral health and hygiene. This can include brushing and flossing as the first line of defense against tooth and gum problems, as well as regular checkups and cleanings at the dentist. If you smoke, think about finding resources and support to quit smoking.

Tip: Check out our Low Glycemic Diet, which includes a meal plan, grocery list, recipes, prep guide, and supporting evidence.

In addition to using a low glycemic nutrition plan, work on incorporating these strategies to further regulate your blood sugar levels. A holistic approach is likely to lead to better health in the long term.

Success in managing diabetes hinges on finding a balance that works for you. If you think you could benefit from some individual advice, book in for a consult with my team of experts, and ensure you have a robust support system in place.


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